Unsure of the reason behind her difficulty breathing, into the house she went, where she went into a crate with a fan blowing nearby, both to cool if needed & circulate air to make breathing a little easier. She also received a large dose of lactulose (stool softener) and subcutaneous fluids to make sure all systems were working well. A little Healing Touch for Animals and flower essences were used too.
It was a long night, but the dogs sat up with me to keep an eye on her, and around 1am, Marci decided she felt a little better and nibbled at some baby food. She also used her litter box - a good sign! This morning, she was no longer breathing hard, but was at the door of her crate demanding breakfast ~ yeah!
I'm not sure exactly what the cause of this "episode" was, but Marci's feeling back to normal now and wants to play. She'll be living at the house with Scooter & friends for a while until we make sure everything stays cool!