It's truly hard to believe June is here, yet the sudden onset of summer weather confirms it! It's time to catch you up on everything that's been going on here at the sanctuary.
Steve & I continue to improve existing structures on the property in order to create comfortable living quarters for our special residents; we do all of the work ourselves, with help from wonderful friends. We also fund it ourselves ~ your donations do indeed go strictly to food, litter, medication, and veterinary services for the animals.
The Kitty Office Staff are enjoying their newly finished office and outdoor enclosure. In order to handle urinary incontinence and the resulting sanitation issues, the room was repainted in bright glossy paint, the carriers used at feeding time and for kitty beds were given a bright coat of paint, and the floor was recovered in an easy-to-clean vinyl. The enclosure was expanded outside, doubling it in size, bringing it up to the house; the kitties have a door and ramp, and can go in and out at their leisure! Now, if I could just get them to take phone messages!
The photos above show the new office, complete with the fish tank (the stand was turned around to make a cat hiding spot), and the armoire keeps all kitty paws out of the computer, printer, and makes sure they won't be sending unauthorized faxes! The crates are used to separate everyone for morning and evening feedings, as they all have different dietary & medication needs. They make great beds too!
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