Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Golden Love

The last 24 hours have been tough for Charlie. His cough worsened, and a recheck of his x-rays and labwork show that he is more anemic and his lungs are declining too, definitely full of "mets" (metastasis from a primary tumor somewhere). We now have no doubts that he does have cancer.

Charlie has started Chinese herbs and supportive care. Our holistic veterinarian Dr. Laflin is working on a homeopathic remedy for him, and he's on antibiotics and prednisolone too. As of tonight, he is eating again, with a preference for hamburgers! The other animals intuitively hang closer with someone who's not doing well. Quincy is in the picture hanging out with Charlie, and just out of camera range, Tess and Melody have started their bedside vigil too.

We knew when he came home with us that Charlie may not be with us long, but that's why we started the sanctuary in the first place. Every cloudy-eyed, grey-muzzled furpurson deserves a chance to have a warm bed and know love!

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