Friday, September 12, 2008

Home From Surgery

Tonight he's home and very sore but doing well. The new guy (still needs a new name) had surgery today at Acacia Animal Hospital in Escondido, and thanks to the generosity of Dr. Carmen Bausone, DVM, one of the practice owners, and Dr. Dennis Aron, DVM, DACVS, this surgery was generously discounted.

We only take in those critters who we know we can support in all ways, including financial support. The sanctuary runs on a shoe-string budget covering the costs of food, litter, and veterinary diagnostics and treatment. This kid's surgery estimate far exceeded the budget, so Steve & I paid for his fracture repair; we pick up where the sanctuary donations leave off.

The four-legged nursing staff has taken over, as you can see above, here's hoping for a speedy recovery!

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